It started from a spark that was more of an analogy that popped in my head, more than it was an idea. Post It notes, scribbles in the middle of the night, sketches, and thoughts thrown on scraps of paper.
The end of the story came first, then the love of the characters, and finally how the story all fit together. A simple, yet powerful story that I wanted to tell... but didn't. I felt it had to be right, or it wasn't good enough, other projects came ahead of it, and I could only do it in my spare time. I'm an Artist, Animation Director, Illustrator - but not a writer, right? All excuses, I know. It was a special project, though, that I felt deserved the time it needed. So here we are a couple years later, with a full story, that is completely illustrated, and has been edited by an amazing Writer/Editor - yet the lead character doesn't have a name. If you stick with me on here, and on Instagram (@cranford_creative), maybe you can all help me with that! More on that very soon!